Developing a line of questions for my podcast interviews.

The hard part of any interview show is to get guests and develop the right questions to ask. It’s like a paper that your writing about your guest and you get them to tell you. So the questions are important. I did a search on the web about, “What to ask a business person.” Found some interesting questions, but they don’t always fit the person that I am asking.

My first two guests are a husband and wife real estate team. They been in the industry for a long time. Sold a lot of homes, had some interesting and I hope crazy clients. I hope to get them to tell their store. It will only be audio, but I will transcribe the audio for the website and post it with the audio.

My next series of subjects that agreed to be interview with my accomplished by online technology and actually be recorded in video. With SquareSpace not uploading video’s I think because of the size. I will have to upload to my test YouTube channel and provide a link.

Of course, I will past those video interviews to the normal podcast online methods and send out the link. It should be fun. Even getting my fiancé/ wife into it and she’s helping with the guests and figuring out what to ask them.

If you have any suggestions about who to interview, drop me a not and I will look into getting them on board.

Tested out the Site Store

I printed up one of my photographs as a 16 x 20 print mounted on Gatorfoam to test out the process for my online store. Pretty easy, SquareSpace makes the process easy for a business man. I do have to say, it’s not for large number of images, say taken at a wedding or event. I’m currently not shooting those like I did in the past, so if I return to that type of business in my retirement days, I will have to look for another online process. Maybe by then, third party websites that offer that type of selling, will pair up with SquareSpace and fix a obvious issue.

My test print is of the two roses, and should arrive on Monday by UPS delivery. Maybe I do an unboxing and posted on the website some how.

Podcasting Notes

I have my first group of business people lined up for my audio podcast called, “Just Questions.” They are all in real estate and the financial industry, ranging from just a beginner, to those well established in their industry. I’ve always wanted to produce a show and use it to promote my photography. This is the start. Interviewing people I want to do business with, getting them to know me, and I them.

Being Published

It’s always nice to be published, even more so from work that you produced over twenty years ago.  A old co-worker emailed me asking my permission to use my name with her research project that is going to be published in the “Journal of American Society of Questioned Documents Examiners.”  

At my agency, in the past, they didn’t like individual names associated with work that goes into public domain.   Not sure if it’s actually policy, or because my supervisor didn’t want to give me credit for the work that I produced.  But, today, I guess things are different.  With all of the certifications going on in the forensic world, people want to know who worked on what.  

So I worked on the photography aspect of this project.  It’s one thing to have an opinion on a subject, it’s another to be able to prove and show record of it.  That’s what I did, figured out how to document photographically her educated professional opinion on the subject of trash marks produced by electronic photocopying machines.  All coping machines leave marks from the process that is unique to each machine. It’s one way to tell what xerox copy is from what machine.

I hope to show you some of the work when the article gets published in the future.  

Print Store

I decided to add a print store based on my images, you will be able to get E-Surface photographic prints and you will have a chance to also get the image frame if you like.