It’s not the individual twitching, but from a series of tics and twitches. You try to hid those tics from others by controlling those burst of energy, it becomes tiring, sore and painful. It’s not just physically painful but mentally tiring from a day of controlling your Tourette’s. So is Tourette’s painful, I say yes.
My repetitive coughing, leads to couching up phlegm and people think you have Covid. My leg, arm, neck twitching make people ask if I’m ok, but try to explain what you got, and they don’t want to hear. Some people will watch you carefully to try and prove that you don’t really have what you say you have.
One traveling partner decided that I didn’t have what I said because, well I was sleeping on the train, I didn’t twitch during my sleep. So he decided that I was me looking for attention and I didn’t have what I said I have.
Some people will just not react that I twitch and act like it doesn’t happen. So because they don’t accept it then their most not have any pain associated with it. But I do have to say that the people I work with are cool about it. As long as I can do my job, then they accept it, as long as it’s not to weird.
I’m don’t have much vocal tics, but I do cough, blowing and puffing my lips, clicking my fingers sometimes. Some times my puffing makes my lips chapped. Which leads me to my tic’s for causing my mouth sores worst. So I dread getting colds, and I think cold meds make my twitching worst.
So far my mental tics havn’t been over blown, I seem with medicine to control those, but if I don’t take my meds, I can become very obsessive with my ideas. Sometimes that not a bad thing.
So what do I do to keep the pain down, take pain killers or keep my head and neck still while I am in my bed. Sometimes, I find a private place and just start twitching.